5 Lesser Known Facts About Life After ESG

Obesity is one of the world’s biggest health concerns that needs to be addressed immediately. While weight loss can be achieved by traditional methods such as exercising and dieting, in some cases, there may not be any noticeable effects. Weight loss interventions such as endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), at such a juncture, induce effective weight loss. In this procedure, the volume of the stomach is reduced by approximately 70 to 80 percent with endoscopic suturing equipment. Although ESG produces amazing results, it requires some lifestyle changes to help bring about sustainable weight loss in the long run. Continuing on the subject, in this post, we share five lesser known facts about life after undergoing the ESG procedure. Read on.

1. You’ll have to cut down on alcohol

While your weight loss specialist may not suggest complete abstinence from alcohol, there are some precautions to be taken when consuming it. It is better to avoid drinking during the first year after the surgery as this is the time when weight loss occurs most rapidly and alcohol can just add to extra calories, side-tracking the weight loss progress.

2. It can affect your medications

Individuals undergoing the ESG may experience irritation with anti-inflammatory medications after the procedure. Such discomfort is temporary, and as weight loss happens, other health markers improve and side effects subside. It is important to follow the instructions of your weight loss specialist without fail.

3. You need to visit your doctor frequently

The follow-up is important for a successful and sustainable weight loss journey. Attending regular checkups and following up promptly with the weight loss specialist can be crucial to overall weight loss. These visits help the weight loss specialist keep a track of the weight loss progress and provide necessary suggestions or lifestyle changes for improved results.

4. You’ll have reduced appetite

Most people have a decreased appetite after the procedure due to the reduced volume of the stomach. In the initial weeks post surgery, a strict liquid diet needs to be followed, after which a normal diet can gradually be introduced. In some cases where overeating persists post surgery, the body starts sending signals such as bloating, hiccups, or indigestion. It is important to watch out for such signals and adjust food portions when any problematic signs persist.

5. You’ll have to delay your pregnancy plans

ESG has helped a number of women achieve pregnancy by producing significant weight loss, which then results in improved menstrual cycle and overall fertility. That said, women should wait for at least 18 months after the procedure before trying to conceive children.

The Last Word

While ESG can be an excellent method to lose weight, the procedure requires a commitment to making lifestyle changes and adjustments. Having said that, any sustainable weight loss intervention requires a long-term commitment for good results. If you or a loved one are in search of ESG procedure in Fort Worth, Texas, look no further than DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery, Dallas. Our team of experienced weight loss specialists and general surgeons provide a number of minimally invasive weight loss interventions such as the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG). If you have any questions or wish to learn more about ESG, call 469-620-0222 or write to us at info@texasweightlossdocs.com.