December 13, 2021
General surgery covers surgical procedures for the treatment of abdominal contents such as the liver, stomach, esophagus, and intestines. When you come to know that you need surgery, one of the most critical decisions is choosing a surgeon that’s right for you. Your general surgeon will help you through various decisions about your health and available surgical treatments.
In this blog post, we discuss some important points to consider when looking to find a surgeon who is right for you. Read on.
1. Credentials
A surgeon’s credentials indicate their level of training and exposure. When planning to undergo a surgical procedure, you need to be sure that your surgeon has proper training in that particular surgery in a fellowship training program. Research the surgeon’s medical school, residency, board certification, and work history on Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) websites to ensure that you are making the right decision.
2. Experience
A surgeon with years of experience acquires wisdom that helps them recognize when a patient is in crisis and act accordingly. When a patient is on the surgical table, every passing second matters and an automatic response is especially important, which is developed through years of experience. When choosing a surgeon, you need to consider the experience each prospect has in performing the surgery you wish to undergo.
3. Quality of Treatment
The treatment for medical conditions is not only limited to the surgery. It starts quite before surgery and continues until you have completely recovered. You may need to take various tests, receive evaluations, and require extended follow-ups post-surgery. To make sure the whole process and stages are coordinated perfectly, your surgeon will need to have a team that is capable of performing their functions efficiently and be available to assist whenever you need help.
4. Rate of Success
One of the most important attributes for any surgeon is delivering consistency in positive surgical outcomes. Generally, surgeons keep a record of patients that provide information about patients’ surgical outcomes. You can also ask for patient testimonials to learn about their experiences with the surgeon. A good success rate and happy patients make for a reliable surgeon.
The Final Word
Undergoing surgery can be scary but with the right surgeon, you have very little to worry about. DFW Bariatrics has a team of seasoned general surgeons with specialization in minimally invasive surgical procedures such as weight-loss surgeries, hiatal hernia surgery, and Anti-reflux surgeries. If you are seeking medical advice from a general surgeon in Fort Worth or nearby areas, give us a call at 469-620-0222 to book an appointment. You can also email [email protected].