May 30, 2022
Although not too common, revision bariatric surgery is done on patients who have already undergone a bariatric procedure, but later, either had complications or did not achieve any significant results. While most revision bariatric procedures are laparoscopic, in some cases, open surgery may be required. If you have reasons to believe you might need a revisional bariatric surgery and would like to know more about it, this article is for you. Read on as we answer some commonly asked questions about revision weight loss surgery.
Q. Can a different surgeon perform the revision surgery than the original one?
Yes, revision bariatric surgery is an independent procedure, which means it doesn’t have to be performed by the same surgeon who performed the original bariatric procedure. Having said that, it is important to make sure that the surgeon you choose specializes in carrying out revision bariatric surgery.
Q. Is revision weight loss surgery covered under insurance?
Generally speaking, the applicability of the insurance coverage for revisional bariatric surgery is the same as that of the primary procedure. In cases involving complications stemmed from the original procedure, the insurance can get approved quickly, given the medical necessity of the revision procedure. Of course, it’s all ultimately dependent on the patient’s insurance coverage and benefits.
Q. Does even a small weight gain post original procedure call for revision surgery?
Not necessarily. In fact, it is quite common for patients to gain some weight during the immediate period after bariatric surgery. Your focus should rather be on limiting weight gain. If, however, a patient continues to gain weight, they should consult a bariatric surgeon for further evaluation.
Q. Are there any risks in revision weight loss surgery?
Revisional weight loss procedures generally involve slightly higher risks than the index operation. Although, thanks to progressing technologies; the results have greatly improved over; any revisional bariatric procedures should be performed by highly experienced bariatric surgeons.
Q. What are the results to expect after revision weight loss surgery?
Although the results of the procedure vary, depending upon the health of the patient and the nature of the original procedure. For instance, patients who have failed to get the desired results from lap band surgery generally report notable good weight loss after a conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.
Wrap Up
Undergoing a weight loss procedure and not getting the desired results can be heartbreaking for patients. That, however, doesn’t mean that they have no more avenues to get back in shape and become a healthier version of themselves. If you would like to learn more about revision or primary weight loss procedures, and check your eligibility, talk to the bariatric surgeons at DFW Bariatrics & General Surgery. To book an appointment, click here. If you have any other questions or concerns, fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible or email [email protected].