March 20, 2023
Surgical interventions for obese patients are generally prescribed when a simple diet & exercise regime or non-surgical weight loss procedures fail to bring the BMI to normal ranges. When it comes to bariatric surgeries, two of the most popular procedures are Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS) and Single Anastomosis Duodeno Ileal bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (SADI-S). If you are a resident of Dallas and considering bariatric surgery to shed excess weight, you can consult an experienced bariatric doctor at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery to learn if you are a candidate for SADI or BPD procedure. Read on as we draw a quick comparison between SADI-S and BPD-DS procedures.
What is SADI-S?
Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy or simply SADI-S is a modern-day variation to the traditional duodenal switch procedure. It was introduced to minimize the risks involved with performing two intestinal bypasses.
Working Mechanism
SADI-S is performed in two steps. These are:
- In the first step, surgeons perform a sleeve gastrectomy, removing about 80% of the stomach.
- Secondly, they detach the intestine just below the pylorus portion of the stomach and reattach it to an intestinal loop approximately two meters down.
SADI-S is a great bariatric surgical treatment for patients with a BMI of more than 50. Some of its benefits include:
- Minimizing the postoperative risks associated with a traditional duodenal switch, such as diarrhea and nutritional deficiencies.
- Delivering effective results for patients who undergo sleeve gastrectomy but don’t get the desired results.
- Lowering risk of intestinal obstruction in the long term as compared to duodenal switch and gastric bypass.
- Lowering the risk of unstable blood sugar fluctuations, marginal ulcers, and dumping syndrome.
SADI-S is a new bariatric surgical procedure that is easy to perform. If you are considering undergoing the SADI Procedure in Dallas, consult a bariatric surgeon that leverages laparoscopy to perform the surgery.
What is BPD-DS?
Introduced in 1988 as a modification to Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD), BPD-DS is a bariatric surgical procedure prescribed for patients with morbid obesity. It is the initial version of the duodenal switch procedure and was introduced as an alternative to the traditional BPD procedure, as the latter presented long-term complications.
Working Mechanism
Compared to SADI-S, BPD-DS is a more complex bariatric surgical procedure that involves introducing anatomical changes at three different locations in the GI tract. These include:
- Performing a sleeve gastrectomy, in which a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving a portion that appears like a narrow tube or banana.
- The second anatomical change reroutes food from the duodenum (upper part of the intestine) to the large intestine.
- The final step in the BPD-DS procedure is to make a bypass for bile and other digestive juices to limit their contact with undigested food to reduce the concentration of absorbable nutrients.
BPD-DS is a great bariatric surgical intervention for obese patients seeking significant weight loss after surgery. The procedure works on two physiological aspects – Reducing Appetite & Reducing the breaking down of food into digestible nutrients. If performed successfully, BDP-DS can lead to a significant calorie deficit, causing quick weight loss in a short space of time. When compared with other bariatric surgical procedures such as gastric bypass, BPD-DS presents better results in the long term.
Final Word
While both the BPD-DS and SADI-S procedures are suitable for patients experiencing morbid obesity, however, SADI-S is easier to perform and is more suitable for patients with nutritional or GI issues. DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery is a trusted name when it comes to bariatric solutions, including SADI procedure in Dallas. To discuss your requirements and get answers to all your questions about the SADI procedure in Dallas, call 469-620-0222 or email [email protected]. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form, and we will respond at the earliest. You can also visit our YouTube channel for more info on bariatric surgeries or book an appointment, complete with a free insurance check.