June 14, 2021
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is a minimally invasive weight loss surgery that is recommended for people that are significantly overweight. During the procedure, a suture is used to make the stomach of the patient smaller. This limits the amount of food that it can hold at a time leading to significant weight loss. The procedure is recommended for patients who have a BMI of 30 or more and have failed to attain sustainable weight loss through conventional methods such as diet and exercise. In addition to weight loss, there are several other health conditions that can be treated through endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty.
Heart Disease and Stroke
Obesity can cause changes in the cholesterol levels resulting in a spike in bad triglycerides while lowering good high-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol which gets rid of bad cholesterol and keeps heart disease away. Being overweight can also lead to high blood pressure as extra blood and more pressure are required to supply nutrients and oxygen to body cells. Increased cholesterol and high blood pressure are common causes of heart diseases such as heart stroke. Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty helps in significantly reducing excess weight, which can help in lowering the risk for a heart attack.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) refers to excessive deposit of fat in the liver. Obesity is a major risk factor for NAFLD. Excess body fat leads to insulin resistance and inflammatory signals which increase the risk for fatty liver disease. Although doctors cannot establish the exact relationship between excess body fat and fatty liver disease, studies have shown that losing weight can help in lowering inflammation in the liver to normalize liver enzyme levels. Through endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, overweight patients can attain sustainable weight loss results and get relief from fatty liver disease.
Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition in the US and across the globe. Obesity is one of the major causes for OSA as the accumulation of fatty tissues narrows down the upper respiratory muscles. This causes breathing obstruction triggering apnea due to increased intrathoracic pressure. Losing weight can help in easing OSA and even cure the condition in some cases. The long-term weight loss benefits from endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty can help obese patients get relief from OSA.
Type-2 Diabetes
Obese people have a higher risk of developing type-2 diabetes. If a patient has a body mass index of 30 and higher, there are 80 to 85% chances of developing type-2 diabetes. Fatty cells in obese patients release inflammatory signals that cause insulin resistance in body. As the body cells are not able to respond to the insulin produced in the body, this leads to type-2 diabetes. Losing weight can help in lowering the risk of type-2 diabetes and endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty can be a viable option to attain long term weight loss and manage the condition.
Wrap Up
Morbidly obese people are at a high risk of developing fatal health conditions. Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty can be the answer for obese people who have failed to achieve any success with diet changes and exercise programs. Not everyone is an ideal candidate for the procedure, which is why you must consult your doctor for advice on your candidature. If you have a BMI of 30 or higher and are looking for weight loss advice, look no further. The team of experienced doctors at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery can help you attain tremendous weight loss results through minimally invasive surgical and medical weight loss procedures. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors, call 469-620-0222 or email [email protected].