September 2, 2019
Sleeve gastrectomy is a type of bariatric surgery that involves drastically reducing the size of the stomach (to roughly 15-20 percent of its original capacity), to limit food intake and facilitate weight loss. Also performed using a laparoscope, sleeve gastrectomy promotes hormonal changes and helps in the prevention and management of various comorbid conditions associated with obesity. Continuing on the subject, in this article, we provide an overview of sleeve gastrectomy, including its risks and benefits. Read on.
Procedure Followed in Sleeve Gastrectomy
Most often performed laparoscopically or robtoically, this surgery takes roughly about at the start of which your surgeon makes small incisions in your stomach region. Through these incisions, a medical camera and necessary surgical instruments are inserted to help remove about ¾ portions of the stomach. The remaining part of the stomach is stitched up to make a tube-like structure similar to the shape of a banana.
This procedure is non-reversible, unlike some other weight-loss surgeries. This newly-sized stomach can house a fraction of the food compared to a regular-sized one, helping limit food intake and thus aid weight loss and a positive lifetime for the patient.
Gradually, over a span of 2-3 months, the patient may progress from pureed foods and drinks to soft foods and finally regular foods. However,
Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy
If the diet, exercise and lifestyle restrictions are followed by the patient post-surgery, one can expect around 60% of their excess weight to be lost within the first 12-18 months of the surgery.
Besides this primary advantage, Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery in Dallas also promises to deal with various life-threatening diseases that have most likely accompanied obesity in the patient. These diseases include high cholesterol, high risk of strokes, diabetes, sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux, and infertility among other issues.
Additionally, Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery in Dallas also rejuvenates the confidence and mental sanctity of the patient, as he/she no longer has to battle the psychological problems that obesity brings with it.
Risks Involved in Sleeve Gastrectomy
Prior to conducting this procedure on you, your medical expert will conduct a series of tests in order to rule out any imminent risks or side effects. These tests include blood tests, urine tests, organ tests among others in order to identify any lopsided medical parameters.
Risks of surgery are low, with less than 1% of patients having any significant issues in the post operative period. That’s because these patients are well studied and optimized pior to surgery. There are remote chances of blood clots, breathing problems, hernias, gastroesophageal reflux, malnutrition and even low levels of vitamins and minerals in the body due to limited food intake. For this reason, you will be put on a lifetime of supplements for essential vitamins and minerals.
Wrap Up
If you are planning to undergo Sleeve Gastrectomy in Dallas, it is important to choose a specialist who is well-versed with the nuances of the procedure and is equipped to deliver the desired results. That is when you can put your trust in the specialists at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery of Dallas. To schedule an appointment with one of our sleeve gastrectomy specialists, click here or simply call 469-620-0222.