10 Things to Know about Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Procedures

The gastric balloon is a short-term weight loss procedure that creates a feeling of fullness after small meals. The balloon helps in reducing hunger that allows you to control your meal portions sizes. The procedure can work along with your weight loss plan to help you achieve faster results. Here are the 10 things you […]
3 Things to Know When Opting for Orbera Balloon Procedure

The Orbera gastric balloon is one of the non-invasive bariatric procedures performed at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery. This non-surgical and reversible procedure is widely acknowledged for facilitating sustainable weight loss. If you too have been trying to get rid of those extra pounds without much success, Orbera can be the key to achieving your […]
Orbera Gastric Balloon Surgery: How it Works

The Orbera gastric balloon is a weight loss procedure that involves temporarily implanting a silicone balloon in an individual’s stomach. Although a temporary process spanning 6 months, the Orbera balloon helps patients in permanently reducing their food intake but adjusting food intake habits. If you too are tired of obesity and planning for Orbera gastric […]
An Introductory Guide to Gastric Balloon Surgery

Gastric balloon surgery involves implanting a silicone balloon to occupy a part of the patient’s stomach, leaving less space for food. The reduced food intake capacity, along with a strict diet and exercise regime, helps patients get rid of those extra pounds and achieve their ideal weight. Gastric balloon surgery is one of the most […]