Revision Weight Loss Surgery Dallas, Fort Worth, Mansfield & Plano
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The purpose of a bariatric surgery is to facilitate your weight loss and improve the quality of your life. Although most weight loss surgeries have positive outcomes, there are times when the procedure has to be reversed or revised due to complications. Revisional weight loss surgery, under the leadership Dr. Kukreja at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery alongside outstanding surgeons Dr. Elizabeth Hooper and Dr. Rebecca Barr, they have performed numerous revisional bariatric operations, for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the signs that point towards the need for revision bariatric surgery:
- Failure in achieving weight loss goals
- Weight regain after a weight loss surgery
- Prominent heartburn or acid reflux
- Frequent nausea and vomiting
- Trouble swallowing
Although revision weight loss surgery may be essential in certain cases, it is important to remember that it involves more risks compared to first-time surgery. That is the reason patients must consult an experienced bariatric surgery expert who can assess possible risks and benefits and suggest a suitable course of action. In many situations, we can work with your insurance company so they will help to pay when needed.

Lap Band Revision
Many individuals had lap bands placed in the hope of losing weight, but now suffer from various lap band problems. Some are now having difficulty swallowing, food may get stuck frequently, or they may suffer with frequent vomiting, often unexpectedly. Worse yet, the lap band may have slipped up or down on the stomach and make it difficult or impossible for the stomach to empty. In rare cases, the lap band has eroded or “cut through” the stomach. In any of these situations, Dr. Kukreja can remove the lap band (usually through minimally invasive techniques) and help with the offending symptoms, and determine additional weight loss plans or procedures as necessary.

Band to Bypass Revision
A revision to gastric bypass is the most common revisional procedure for people who need or wish to get a gastric band removed. Patients can see up to a 60 percent reduction in excess weight. The laparoscopic procedure also known as the keyhole technique, is usually done as a one-stage procedure involving the removal of the band and the doing a bypass. Our surgeons will walk you through the procedure if you are considering undergoing Band to Bypass Revision in DFW.

Band To sleeve Revision
Band to Sleeve Revision can be a one-stage or two-stage procedure. The procedure is characterised by sub-optimal weight and health benefits when compared to band to bypass revision. This is typically performed if the lap band didn’t offer enough weight loss or had complications.

Sleeve Gastrectomy Revision for
failed weight loss
It’s not common, but some patients need more weight loss than they were able to achieve with a sleeve gastrectomy. Or, their diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, or joint disease persist after their sleeve gastrectomy. In the setting of a failed sleeve, Dr. Kukreja has various options. He can offer medications and diet plans to continue the weight loss process, or, these patients can be converted to either gastric bypass or duodenal switch. In most circumstances, this can be achieved laparoscopically or robotically.

Sleeve Gastrectomy Revision
for Heartburn
In as many as 15% of patients, there can be worse heartburn after sleeve gastrectomy, especially right after the procedure. If this persists, hope is not lost. Such patients may be candidates for a hiatal hernia repair (if present) with magnetic sphincter augmentation, also known as LINX. Other patients can be converted to a gastric bypass to help with additional weight loss and the heartburn problems

Gastric Bypass
weight regain
It is uncommon, but it can happen. We sometimes see that the stomach pouch gets too large or the connection between the stomach and small intestine opens up, causing the patient to feel more hungry and not get full off a reasonable portion of food causing them to regain weight. In certain circumstances, this can be remedied through an endoscopic procedure (camera down the mouth) to tighten these areas up and promote greater weight loss.

Sleeve to
bypass Revision
Sleeve to Bypass is a one stage procedure performed to correct issues related to reflux or swallowing problems that can come with sleeve gastrectomy. An additional benefit can be significant weight loss.

Sleeve to
Duodenal switch revision
In some cases, sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t result in enough or durable weight loss. Duodenal Switch can be offered in such a situation to kick start the weight loss process into a more effective procedure.
Need Revision Weight Loss Surgery in Dallas, Fort Worth, Mansfield,
and Plano, TX? We Can Help!
No matter the type of weight loss surgery you have undergone, if you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, or any other discomfort, get in touch with us, immediately. Consult Dr. Sachin Kukreja to determine if a revisional procedure is right for you. To schedule an appointment, simply call 469-620-0222 or fill out our online appointment form.